The Protector

Historical Fiction



Anthony Riches

Following a childhood which featured a deep interest in the military rooted in my father and grandfather’s service in the two world wars, I took a degree in Military Studies at Manchester University. Working for a succession of blue chip companies over the next twenty-five years, I gravitated into business systems and change project management, and I’ve worked as a freelance project manager in the UK and Europe, the USA, the Middle and the Far East over the last two decades.

Over the same period, I’ve gradually refined my ability to write fiction, initially for my own entertainment but more recently with the serious aim of achieving my debut publication. The manuscript of Wounds of Honour eked out a precarious ten-year existence on a succession of computer hard drives and memory sticks until a life-changing encounter in Belfast energised me to rewrite the manuscript and seek publication. Thanks, Gerry! There are now seventeen books set in Ancient Rome, the Empire series and the Centurions trilogy, and two modern day thrillers in The Protector series.

I’ve been married to Helen, our family’s only true adult for 40 years now, and we live in Suffolk with a barmy dog and an imperious cat. I’m a confirmed petrol head, and I spend my spare time listening to music, reading and surfing internet car reviews with a purposeful glint in my eye.


The Protector
Michael Bale

"An utterly compelling read"
- Manda Scott
"The Bill meets Jack Reacher"
- The Times
"A full-throttle adventure that twists and turns from the corridors of power to London’s gangland underbelly, propelled by a hero with a thirst for vengeance and the skillset to execute it"
-Andy McNab
"Nemesis kicks like a 12-bore shotgun - A British thriller to rival Reacher"
- Giles Kristian
"Mickey Bale is a Jack Reacher for a harder, faster, more assured millennium. Nemesis is the kind of book for which the word ‘compelling’ was coined"
- Manda Scott


Empire Series

Graphic Novels


Ways to get in touch



Sara O'Keeffe at Aevitas Creative

Email: sokeeffe @


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