
December 31st, 2012 by Anthony Riches

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Posted in Comments | 171 Comments »

  1. Anthony Riches says:


  2. Anthony Riches says:
  3. Kris says:

    Hey Tony

    Can you tell me why on earth it is so hard to find the wolf’s gold to purchase, ive been hunting high and low world wide

    1. Anthony Riches says:

      Hi Kris,

      Hopefully you have it by now? Apologies for the slow reply…(my notifications of comments seem to have stopped working).



  4. Harold MacInnis says:

    I would love to buy your Empire Series Book # 10 but the price here in Canada on Amazon is $17.99 while the price in USA is $4.99. As much as i enjoy your Empire Series I am Cheap and don’t really understand the discrepancy don’t want to spend that much on an ebook Your a great writer and enjoyed the Empire serious Keep it up and good luck with future book

    Thanks for the enjoyment you have provided me.


    1. Anthony Riches says:

      Hi Harold, I guess that’s down to the local publisher. Perhaps you can buy it from the US? Hope you found it cheap enough!



    2. Anthony Riches says:

      Hi Harold, I guess that’s down to the local publisher. Perhaps you can buy it from the US? Hope you found it cheap enough!



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